Pillars EconPol Conference

What Insights Policy-Makers Can Gain from of Linkedin’s Economic Graph Data

The Advantages of Labor Market Data from New Sources Compared to Administrative Data

The Role of Education Systems for Increasing the Adaptability of the Workforce

Building Labor Market Policies Resilient to Technological Change: Panel Discussion

Understanding and Improving the Impact of Automation Technology on La-bor Markets: Panel Discussion

Keynote speech

New Comprehensive Workforce Database and Possible Insights for Policy Makers, Academics or Analysts

EconPol Europe Annual Conference 2023: Keynote: Trade Policy in an Era of Geoeconomic Challenges

How Robotization and AI Affect the Labor Market

Implications of Competition with Emerging Countries for the European Labor Market with a Special ...

Keynote speech

EconPol Europe Panel 4 The Future of the Euro

Panel discussion “The Future of EMU”

Discussion: Breaking the Doom Loop: The Eurozone Basket

Panel discussion: After a global pandemic, what’s the diagnosis of Europe’s health systems?

Reshaping Europe: An Agenda for the Future of Europe

About Institutional Imbalances, Behind EMU Imbalances

Macroeconomic Imbalances in the Eurozone: What determinants and policy implications?

Panel discussion - Conference: A new era for European economic governance?

Welcome: Ricardo@200 – International Trade Theory in Turbulent Times

“Discussion of the report: Immigration policy: insights from recent economic research'

Panel discussion - Competition or Europe's agile tool | Competitive Europe Summit

Panel 2 The Future Role of the EU: Europe as Ever Closer Union?

Panel Discussion: Challenges of EU Trade Policy Making